
1. Josquin

The Josquin Research Project

One of the best and most valuable internet sources for the works of Josquin Desprez is the research project “Josquin Research Project”, launched by Jesse Rodin in 2010 in collaboration with Craig Sapp. As an original goal, all 335 works attributed to Josquin were made available to the public here as midi files. In the meantime, extensive statistical queries based on the midi files can be carried out on the website. In the meantime, many more works by contemporaries have been added.

The C.M.M.E. Project – Computer mensural music editing

The CMME project was founded by Theodor Dumitrescu and Marnix van Berchem at Utrecht University. Similar to the Josquin Research Project, CMME also offers free access to the scores. Of particular interest is the sub-project “The Other Josquin: Music Excluded from the New Josquin Edition“, which provides access to works classified as misattributions in the new complete edition.

2. Quellenverzeichnisse

DIAMM – The Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music

The starting point for any engagement with the sources of 15th and 16th century music is DIAMM. The digital image archive of medieval music is the leading source for medieval and Renaissance manuscripts and lists numerous important details of these manuscripts.

RISM (Répertoire International des Sources Musicales)

RISM is the first port of call for all printed musical sources. Not only are the printings described, but above all the locations of the respective sources are given.

Alamire Foundation – Idem Database

A large part of the presumably authentic manuscript sources with music Josquin finds is grouped under the name of the copyist, Petrus Alamire. With the Idem database, the Alamire Foundation has published an overview of all important Alamire manuscripts and also gives the reader access to photographs of this important source complex.

3. Digitalisate der Bibliotheken

The tools for conducting Josquin research have developed rapidly over the past 100 years. While Albert Smijers collected almost 5,000 copies of sources in two years for the first complete edition of the works of Josquin Desprez as basic research, and subsequent generations had to make do mainly with microfilms, digital photography today makes it possible for enthusiasts to study the sources intensively. The following list of libraries where Josquin manuscripts and prints are kept is initially only a selection, which will be continuously expanded:

Wien: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, ÖNB Digital

München: Münchener DigitalisierungZentrum (MDZ)

e-codices – Virtuelle Handschriftenbibliothek der Schweiz

Jena: Thüringer Universität- und Landesbibliothek Jena